1.What is soil? 1
2. What is soil fertility? How do we consider the soil is fertile? 1+3
3. Classify soil according to location? Distinguish between Residual(Sedimentary) and Transported soil? 1+2
4. How is alluvial soil formed? 2
5. Mention areas in India where alluvial soil is found? 2
6. Distinguish between Bhangar soil and Khadar Soil? * 2
7. Mention three characteristics of alluvial soil? 3
or Name the soil which almost covers West Bengal? Why alluvial soil is very fertile or favorable for cultivation (Robi and Kharif crops)? *
8.Which crops are grown well in alluvial soil? 3
9. Mention another name of black soil? 1
10. Why Black soil is known as black cotton soil? * 2
11. Mention areas in India where black soil is found? 2
12. Why color of the black soil is black? * 2
14. Mention three characteristics of black soil? 3
or Black soil is fertile in most of the places?
15. Which crops are grown well in black soil? 2
16. How is red soil formed? 2
17. Mention areas in India where red soil is found? 2
18. Why color of the red soil is red? * 2
19. Mention three characteristics of red soil? 3
20. How laterite soils are formed? or What is the process of laterization? * 2
22. Mention three characteristics of laterite soil? * 3
23. Mention areas in India where laterite soil is found? 2
24. Which crops are grown well in laterite soil? 2
25. What is meant by soil erosion? 2
26. Mention the process of soil erosion by water or surface runoff? 3
or Distinguish between Sheet erosion and /Gully erosion? * 2
or Dishtigush between Sheet erosion and Rill erosion?
or Distinguish between sheet erosion and wind erosion?
or Name the area in India in which Sheet, Rill, Gully erosion takes place? 3
27. What is soil conservation? 1
28. Discuss three farming techniques that help soil conservation or prevent soil erosion in (hilly terrain)? * 2+2+2
or Discuss the following farming processes: Terrace Farming, Contour Farming, Strip Cropping
29. Discuss the following: Leaching enhances soil erosion * 2+2
How is deforestation harmful to soil erosion?
30. Discuss the causes of soil erosion? (any three points) 2+2+2
31. Mention two methods adopted by the government to conserve soil? 3
32. Name three important agents of erosion? How do we control these erosions, mention at least one point? 3+3
33. State methods of soil conservation in flood-prone areas on the bank of the river and arid and semi-arid regions. 2+2
34. Why Re-afforestation is necessary? 2
35. Discuss the methods of soil conservation (any three)?* 3
N.B : * Marked are important questions